The Yogic Diet (Modal Verbs)

Yogic Diet - Modal Verbs

The Yogic Diet - reading exercise

(using modal verbs)

In this post we will explore the yogic diet and use of modal verbs.
Let's dive straight in.

There are many theories about the yogic diet. Some swear by a vegetarian or vegan diet, others believe we shouldn’t consume meat and dairy. Many nutritionists insist we are ought to only eat organic products like farm-raised fish, hormone-free beef, free range chicken, and organic fruits and vegetables, etc.

The yogic diet is a diet that works for YOUR body. Every body is different. There is no such thing as the perfect diet, but there are some things we should bear in mind when choosing the products, we consume.

Traditionally a yogic diet follows some pretty simple rules.

1. A yogic diet should be Sattvic

  • In Ayurvedic philosophy all ingredients we find in nature consist out of three qualities (gunas):
  1. Raja – hot, spicy, fast,
    Taste: hot, bitter, dry, salty, or spicy
    Characteristics: overstimulation of the mind, passion
    Examples: chili flakes, onion, garlic, sugar, coffee, hard cheese, eggs
  2. Tama – slow, lethargic
    Taste: bland, tasteless, chemical
    Characteristics: laziness, depression
    Examples: mushrooms, meat, alcohol, overripe fruits and vegetables, processed food, leftovers
  3. Sattva – purity, harmony, knowledge
    Taste: fresh, natural
    Characteristics: health, energy, joy, peace, clarity, light
    Examples: whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, organic animal products, natural sweeteners.

As you may understand now, the purest ingredients are found in Sattvic foods. Most yogi(in)s would thereforerecommend following a Sattvic diet. The Sattvic diet nourishes the body that will result in a calm, purified, peaceful state of mind.

2. A yogic diet ought to be vegetarian.

  • Animal products are infamous for multiple reasons. First, the production of these products causes harm to animals and the planet. Second, they are proofed to contain toxics, are bad for our cholesterol, take a long time to digest, have a bad effect on many organs and may result in dangerous diseases.
    Instead of meat you could eat nuts, dairy products, leafy greens, and legumes. These products are full of high-quality protein. They will not pollute the planet, or our organs, are easily digestible, and effectively used by the body.

3. A yogic diet must not include chemicals and stimulants.

  • Choose organic when available. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners. These substances are not healthy for the body and have a bad effect on the mind, making it hard to stay present.

4. A yogic diet must contain fresh foods.

  • Fresh and plant based foods contain prana (life force). Prana is what keeps us energetic, lively and healthy. Therefor we ought to eat the freshest products available.
    Frozen, prepared, packaged and left-over foods should be avoided. Non-fresh foods often include a lot of chemicals that are not nutritious, could be addictive and can result in laziness and depression.

5. A yogic diet should include regular intervals.

  • Create a routine and eat at regular times. The body has cycles, and functions best when these cycles are even and steady. The same goes for our meal times. Avoid meals two hours before exercise and sleep. Energy for digestion should not be used for the purpose of exercise. Proper time for digestion before sleep helps to keep the mind clear.

6. Take time to fast.

  • It is recommended to fast one day each week. A fast could be strict, not allowing anything to enter the body. Or, it can include water and fruit juices. Whichever you choose, stay aware that the goal of your fast is to purify the body and mind.

7. Practice ahimsa.

  • Ahisma (non-violence) is the first moral of the Yamas and can be applied to the food we choose. Make environmentally-conscious choices that do not harm other people, yourself, animals, or the planet. Select refillable glass bottles instead of plastic, for example.

Remember, every body is different. You might be intolerant or allergic to certain nutrients. The yogic diet, neither as the yogic philosophy does not meet the one-size-fits-all method. Small changes in the way you eat and live can have big effects. Keep food choices simple, pure, fresh, and use your best judgment. Choose that what feels good, honest and non-harmful and makes you feel good physically and emotionally. Your inner yogi knows best.

Modal Verbs

Modals of ability 

We use ‘can’ and ‘could’ to talk about a skill or ability.   

e.g. She can speak English very well.
My sister could do a headstand when she was younger.
can’t practise yoga every day.

Modals of permission

We use ‘can’, ‘could’ and ‘may’ to ask for and give permission. We also use modal verbs to say something is not allowed.

e.g. Could I leave early today, please?
You may not make phone calls during class.
Can we postpone the class, please?

Modals of obligation or advice

We can use ‘must’, ‘should’, and ‘ought to’ to say when something is necessary or unnecessary, or to give advice:

e.g.We must arrive to class on time.
You should do our homework.
We are ought to ask questions when we have them.

Using modal verbs in a sentence

Affirmative: subject + modal + bare infinitive
A yogic diet should include plant based products.

Negative: subject + modal + not + bare infinitive
A yogic diet mustn’t include chemical products.

Interrogative: modal + subject + bare infinitive
Could you do a fast each week?

Ready to practise?  FREE download - The Yogic Diet (Modal Verbs) worksheet BELOW.

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